Commit 4950b60e by Matthias Putz

Added troubleshooting FAQs for windows coloring and GPG missing

parent c710fe05
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ The editrights tools is provided as part of git-repo for Microsoft Windows.
* Create a HOME environment variable that points to %USERPROFILE% (necessary for OpenSSH to find its .ssh directory).
* Create a GIT_EDITOR environment variable that has an editor executable as value. For this, first add the home directory of the editor executable to the path environment variable. GIT_EDITOR can than be set to "notepad++.exe", "gvim.exe", for example.
### Setup steps for Linux ###
##### Downloading and installing Git and Python #####
......@@ -72,6 +73,23 @@ The editrights tools is provided as part of git-repo for Microsoft Windows.
For more detailed instructions regarding git-repo usage, please visit [git-repo](
#### FAQ Troubleshooting ###
##### I can not see any colors for `repo status` #####
The pager which is used for `repo status` is set per default to `less` which is not capable of parsing color codes on Windows. This can be fixed by setting the default pager to `more`. This can be done by
git config --global core.pager more
. Alternativly, the environment variable `GIT_PAGER` can be set to `more`.
##### I get a WindowsError when initializing my repo with `repo init ..` in Windows Command Shell #####
If there is a warning at the beginning of the output which reads states that GPG is not available
warning: gpg (GnuPG) is not available.
warning: Installing it is strongly encouraged.
you have to add `gpg.exe` to your PATH variable. The executable can be found in your Git installation folder `$GIT\usr\bin`. When you are using Git Bash, the `$Git\usr\bin` folder is already added to your PATH.
### Changes to original git-repo ###
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