Commit 829bf34c by Pierre LeMoine Committed by Matthias Putz

Modify: updated settings for `less` for colour handling

parent 1daad89f
......@@ -77,7 +77,11 @@ For more detailed instructions regarding git-repo usage, please visit [git-repo]
#### FAQ Troubleshooting ###
##### I can not see any colors for `repo status` #####
The pager which is used for `repo status` is set per default to `less` which is not capable of parsing color codes on Windows. This can be fixed by setting the default pager to `more`. This can be done by
The pager which is used for `repo status` is set per default to `less`, which unless otherwise configured will ignore escape sequences. You can set the environment variable `LESS` to `-FRSX` to make `less` handle colors.
_(You might also want to set `LESSCHARSET` to `utf-8`)_
##### It still doesn't work! ###
You can try using `more` as your pager of choice. It doesn't behave exactly the same as `less` but it might be enough for you.
git config --global core.pager more
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